We promised to explain to all readers why we might have unfollowed you. Something we called the UnFollow Test; there’s a lot of data, so a decision was made to make this article super-short, and if you have questions you can contact us.
Twitter is an Information Battlefield, accept it. Still a fun place if you navigate safely, and maintain mental strength. If any social media makes you feel “stressed out” or worried, then LOG OFF <— No Shame in it. You aren’t missing anything vital. You are vital.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is necessary to business, but not to personal life. Mental health is a human priority.
2019 JAN – Started 3 Twitter accounts, and began injecting POSITIVE TWEETS into a random mix of role models, businesses, and regular people that seemed to like our random positive tweets.
2019 FEB – No haters yet / was positive tweeting working? Analytics were showing a VERTICAL climb (but these were new accounts, any activity will show analytical data moving upwards)
2019 MAR – No haters yet / started to “FOLLOW” more controversial topics and accounts with a careful mix of Law Enforcement and Federal Agencies to ensure we had full transparency. Continued being truthful, sharing real personal data, real feelings (positive only), and laughter. Remember the LOL’s.
2019 APR – Something called INTERNET OF THINGS or #IoT literally halted the Search Engines, and all our friends and pals on LinkedIn social media platform began to report CyberSecurity issues, changes, and more. The news stations reported on a few of them, and we had fun discussing the theories of Digital Transformation (another article soon), Data Privacy, and Protecting families from IoT. Things were changing fast, faster, fastest and soon we were up 24/7 in digital combat / pumping out graphics and research – and be advised we haven’t slept since April. Moving on…
2019 MAY – Twitter was showing signs of being that “Battlefield” where division and opinion only led to INFORMATION and DISINFORMATION. MISINFORMATION involves a mistake – but DISINFORMATION is the core of WARFARE – you can say Lying. If you can convince enemies of a LIE, you kinda win. However, the enemy has a say too. Information Wars were now out of the dark and into the light, and no one was containing it.
2019 JUNE – We just flat out started PRAYING. Literally, prayer without ceasing. Conversations in our heads with God, and it wasn’t just us. Everyone was posting Bible verses, and injecting ‘good feels’ into the Internet too. Oh Thank God, because honestly, we felt a little isolated and alone. Twitter is not evil. GOOD and EVIL are
everywhere. There is only a choice to side with one or the other, and we noticed there was less gray areas to NOT CHOOSE. Some say this is Divisiveness. It wasn’t a political issue, or a disagreement with opinionated folks, it was a mental illness. “The Sky is Blue” vs “No, it’s NOT” and interestingly enough, we noticed all sales were slowing down in all markets. Business professionals were questioning if there was something wrong with their operation, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professionals were scratching their heads – the reason why? The internet was in a time-loop. The results you saw that day, reversed back 2 weeks for a couple days to old results, and then suddenly caught up days later but were inaccurate. Google had launched what it called “JUNE CORE ALGORITHM UPDATE”. The question then became, “Is Google GOOOOOOOD or is Googleeeeevil? “
2019 JULY – The intensity was ramping up, and arguments were just getting worse on Twitter, yet on LinkedIn things were very calm, we tweeted about this often. It’s like it was a protected environment for great business, great partnerships, great information, pleasant disagreements and honest discussions. Basically, all the good feels you could imagine were on LinkedIn while none of them were on Twitter.
2019 AUG – We deleted 1 Twitter Account, and waited a few days and Recovered it. The statistics and analytics showed an entirely different “class” of information and advertisements were bombarding the “TRENDING” feed. We discovered anomalies happening that just cannot be explained in a short article which is now, not even short. LinkedIn maintain a healthy, positive environment, and we were encouraging clients to ‘stop wasting valuable time on Twitter’ because even the best Positive Tweets were forgotten in a few seconds, and all humans were flooded with information, and untrustworthy information.
2019 SEP – Now we seen it all. Enough information over the months to attempt an algorithm glitch-test (no idea, I get REALLY bored). We wanted to see if the 650 accounts we selected to follow could be UnFollowed and change the feed to where we had control over what interested us, as Twitter can do. Despite SETTINGS and OPTIONS, we learned a LOT of frightening things, and made a LOT of new pals.
Well, we don’t know yet. Previously we deleted accounts and had bizarre results on recovery. This is the first UnFollow Test we performed. I’m not a bonsai tree pruning professional, we stay objective and non-judgmental to gather the most accurate data to understand the rhythm of the algorithm.
LinkedIn remained STABLE the entire time since January 2019 (you really would like it there, and we hope it stays exactly the way it is which is manageable with a community that properly polices itself, and maintains a level of professionalism and atmosphere of good – nothing is 100% in science)
The purpose of the UnFollow Test was to determine if the Twitter feed would change by switching from WiFi to Cellular, and PC to Mobile, Browser to Browser, and location to location (geo-location) markers. Clearing data and cached data did not affect the Feed … yet.
UnFollowing 600+ accounts manually pruning them really opens your eyes emotionally to who you feel connected to, and who you will dislike departing from even for a test. Separation anxiety was something we all felt. However, there are endless utilities we learned about, and amazing technologies – in another article thing, we will share some of these amazing finds with you all, in glorious color instead of black and white text.
As we continue to study what unfollowing does to affect what you pump into your mind every day (for those that enjoy Twitter), we will utilize the REPLY feature instead of TWEETING. We expect this to last about a week before the need to “say something” gets the best of us. I mean, marketing is hilarious but if you don’t study it you just become unoriginal and stale and then a terrible marketing business. Don’t get me wrong, it was one of the coolest adventures I’ve been on as a business owner. Reporting to those that hire me for their company is always easier, but this research was personal. It was important to learn what was changing the world so rapidly, and why human beings stopped thinking for themselves and just ‘trusted’ whatever they were told.
Worse is, many were taking advantage of this human weakness, so we decided to dive in and understand why REDUCING the amount of energy and time used in social media was beneficial to all humans in personal life, and business life.
- Use phones for phone calls. Text less.
- Use social media for love not war. Hugs and Kisses are nice too.
- Love one another like humans were meant to. It will be life changing for all.
“See you back in the trenches!”